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Few weeks ago I stumbled upon a manga title that I already readed, The World God Only Knows (TWGOK). So, I took initiative to re-watch the anime. The series is about a boy who uses love to cast out runaway spirit that hide on gir’s gap of heart, and catch it.

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Enable Upload Large File on PHP + Nginx


  1. Open file php.ini (should be located at /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini if you are using PHP-FPM. Otherwise, just find it using: sudo updatedb && locate php.ini)
  2. Edit these 3 variables:

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    Unify Laravel Authentication / Session Across Apps


    Question: Is it possible to make single login authentication for multiple laravel apps on same domain?

    Condition: Laravel stores session on two places: client-side on encrypted HTTP cookie and server-side on (optional) encrypted key-store value.

    Idea: Make each apps reads the same session both on client-side and server-side and make sure both application reads same ‘users’ table.

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    Ignorance is bliss, but bliss is just a perception


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    (String) Password for Authentication


    Manakah yang lebih baik:

    • naruh hashed password di server dan minta plain text dari client, atau
    • minta hashed password dari client dan di-cek dengan plain text pada server ?

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    Hello world!


    Halo (lagi) dunia blog

    Karena domain error yang menyebabkan hostingan menghapus situs ini, dan saya tidak punya backupnya (parah banget) akhirnya saya memulai kembali blogging dari 0.

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    Zeus RO CP


    Jika anda ingin bermain Zeus RO, buka

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